Sometimes You Need to Stop

I find myself filling up my plate with “busy work”, just so I don’t have to think or get lost in my mind of all sorts of crazy thoughts. Recently I discovered that I have been doing this for many years out of habit. The higher the stress is the busier I get, the more projects I take on, the more I pile my plate the more I can forget about what my life really is…a little lost. Now, this is not to say that I’m not happy, but it’s to say that the uncertainty, the fear, the unknown, has me unfocused and unorganized. I try to stick to one side project, but I pile on so many that I never follow through and complete.

Some of my fears as a single mom include: financial difficulties, where my kids and I will settle down, my career, education, and student loans. It’s tough thinking about all of this because I’m relying on one income, and myself to tackle it. It’s not easy, but I know it’s not impossible to create some sort of plan to make things work out in the end. However, the thing I was talking about above gets in my way because it’s a hard habit to break. Sometimes I don’t realize I’m overfilling my plate and avoiding the important stuff that needs my attention.

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you need to stop, and focus.

I’m a wandering mind with lots of ideas, wants, and desires. All of this make me want to start something new, but then I don’t finish because I’m onto the next thing. I keep doing this because I am seeking something I’m not sure what it is. I keep doing this because I don’t want to think about the fact that I’m a bit of a failure.

What do I do? I wish I had the answer because I’m sure many people face this and get lost, and never make it out. Maybe the first step is acknowledging the problem?

Stay Active and Social, Mamas!

I know. It’s not easy, but it’s doable. Take it from someone who knows the difficulties, but also understands how to get there.

Being a great mom is my number one priority, but the only way to be a great mom is to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

I started with socializing myself by joining a singles social group shortly after my divorce. I didn’t have any friends because I moved a lot since we were a military family. I lost contact with the few friends I did have before marriage. Talk about being socially awkward when I did start going to the events.

It took time, and the occasional show ups, but I finally overcame the social awkwardness, I made great friends, and I have been enjoying some wonderful events. I also joined a soccer team of some current members and past members of the social group. In addition, I workout at LA fitness.

Nutrition plays a role in my overall health too. I try to keep a balance of healthy and junk food.

I have more energy to be active with my kids, maintain a great homeschool schedule, and I’m alot more alert at work.

And hey, reaping the benefits of staying in shape is nice.

I encourage you mamas to think about yourself too. Find your passion that gets you going. Stay healthy and active, and don’t be afraid to get out there and socialize.

If you’re in the dumps, worried about meeting “Mr. Right”, keep thinking about the past, and what ifs then I’m especially talking to you.

Our children are affected when we are down. The more they see us happy the happier they are. They’ll appreciate you more if you’re happy and engaging with them in activities and fun.

Mama’s, what do you do to keep yourself healthy in mind, body, and spirit?